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06 Mar 2019

Isabelle's insider tips - how to get rid of stretchmarks.

06 Mar 2019
Isabelle's insider tips - how to get rid of stretchmarks.

Meet Isabelle - one of the dedicated, energetic members of staff at the Swiss Clinic head office in Stockholm. With a genuine passion for health and skin care, Isabelle feels she has found her dream job, as it combines e-commerce with products and treatments geared at solving skin concerns.

In order to excel at her job, Isabelle needs to truly understand the treatments she spends her days working with. This means a lot of theoretical knowledge, but also experiencing them first hand. We thought it would be interesting to hear her views on, and experience of her favourite at-home treatments.

”It shouldn’t come as a great surprise to you to hear that my bathroom cupboards are brimming with Swiss Clinic products. I am basically addicted to The Face Treatment, Eyelash Growth Serum and the PENTA Skin Care Range. But what I really want to talk about today is the Microneedling for Body at home. I want to highlight it as I have just finished a treatment where the results exceeded even my expectations – and I work with it!” says Isabelle.

When we ask her to elaborate, Isabelle explains;

”My goal with the BODY treatment was to get rid of the stretchmarks on my thighs. You know, the kind many have, and that for me were due to having gained weight rapidly.’ She says. ”To be honest, I really didn’t expect to be able to get them (the stretchmarks) to completely disappear, and was perhaps a bit pessimistic in my approach, despite knowing how and why the treatment works – after all, it’s my job. I was thinking that ‘sure, the method is proven, but it’s not necessarily going to work on me, my skin is different from other peoples’ and my stretchmarks are probably more severe that others’.’”

“I needn’t have worried! The results I have achieved are nothing short of amazing. I am so pleased with the treatment, partly because I find it fascinating and inspiring to see that with some love and care, the body is able to regenerate and heal itself, but primarily because the stretchmarks that were bothering me so, are no longer distinguishable on my thighs!”

How Isabelle got rid of her stretchmarks:

I performed the treatment in the evenings: The area you are targeting, will be slightly red after treatment. As you can cover most body parts with clothing, you can theoretically do it anytime of day, but I liked doing it before bedtime. The one non-negotiable bit is that the skin has to be perfectly clean before treatment. Either shower, or clean the area manually!

The treatment: I systematically used the Roller on the area, back and forth in all different directions on the area with stretchmarks. My targeted area was the insides of the thighs. Each thigh took me about 5 minutes. Wow, when I think about that now, it’s nothing! Once done with the microneedling aspect, I applied the Serum to the treated zone, taking special care to make sure the entire area was properly covered. You cannot see any of the microchannels the Roller has created, but you can really feel the serum working in them – truly penetrating the skin.

Consitancy is key! I treated my problem area every evening for a week, and then let the skin ‘rest’ for the same amount of time. After the week off, I started over and went on like this for the entire course of treatment. If I missed a treatment for some reason, I simply went on the next day. If I wanted to make the day up at the end of the week, I did so. Ultimately, just follow the instructions in the pack!

I saw results after 4 weeks. (ie 2 weeks of actual treatment, 2 weeks rest in between). I was helped by the fact that I took pictures throughout the treatment. Seeing differences from day to day can be difficult, but looking back and being able to compare is great. I really tried not to expect too much, or expect immediate visible results, but was focussed on continuous treatment to see long term effects. And it worked. In under 4 months, I had achieved the results I wanted!

Isabelle’s Insider tips:

Make it a pampering treat! Think of the treatment as a bit of ’me time’, when you look after yourself. Take your time & enjoy it.

Don’t be afraid! It doesn’t hurt! Sure, there are tiny needles involved, but it really isn’t painful – it’s more like tickling. I love the feeling of the serum working after application – in fact, I think it’s a fun treatment to perform on yourself.

See it as an investment in yourself. It really doesn’t require much time or effort, it’s more dedication that is required. And the price is very reasonable considering the results it can and will deliver!

Take pictures! During my treatment, I documented the progress on a regular basis. Seeing a difference from day to day is difficult, so being able to go back a couple of weeks to compare can be very useful. The most satisfying is to compare the before and after picture (just have a look at mine!)

Always clean the Skin Roller properly! After every treatment, thoroughly spray the Roller with Sanitizing Spray to keep any bacteria at bay!

Plan! In order to succeed you need to be dedicated and stick to your treatment, and follow the instructions carefully. It might be good to begin on a weekend when you have time to do the first couple of treatments at your leisure, or plan ahead by ‘counting backwards’ to ensure you have your desired results by the summer holidays for example.

Finally, we asked Isabelle if she could describe the Skin Resculpting Treatment in one sentence. She said:

‘A luxurious, easy-to-use, effective at-home treatment that delivers miracles in comparison to the effort required.’.

Beauty treatments with visible and lasting results!

Try Skin Roller with Needle head 0.5 mm Body now! Find it here and other needle heads.